The Curtiss Family
A circle of Strength and Love, founded on faith... joined by love... kept by God... Forever Together
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Friday, February 17, 2012
Super Wyatt
Wyatt is super baby or something, just today he: Bit through his Binky, dumped out my jewelry supply, unraveled all the toilet paper off the roll, turned off my computer, and so many more he keeps me busy. Whats sad is he's 13 months, 25 lbs, has 11 teeth and doesn't even WALK yet. Right now Im a little worried about him taking control of the house
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Iceed Mocha Coconut Coffee
I take pride in creating this very addicting coffee better than Starbucks
First you need
Rich Store bought Chocolate milk, Coffee, Coconut Creamer, Ice, your favorite Coffee
1. Brew Coffee, 1/2 cup of coffee Grounds for 12oz of water.
*Stronger brew goes well with the ice
*suggest the day before to give time to cool down
2. Set the freshly brewed coffee off to the side and allow it to cool down before placing it in your refrigerator to store.
*I like to pour the coffee into a pitcher to store
3. Put ice into your cup
4. Pour 1/3 cup Chocolate milk in
5. Pour in 3/4 cups Chilled Coffee
6. Pour in 1/4 cup Creamer
Stir and Enjoy!
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Nightmares influenced by Snoring
What kind of dreams would you have if you slept next to a person that made sounds like a grizzly bear blowing its nose or attacking something or a cat frantically trying to escape a garbage disposal? Or better yet there would be no nightmares and you'd have insomnia like myself because I cannot sleep when Im constantly jabbing my husband, holding his nose shut, or trying to reposition him in hopes the madness might stop long enough I could fall asleep and go back to dreaming about being stuck in a bear cave with some pissed off bear about to enter. I cant tell you how many nights Ive tried to invent ways to stop snoring but the truth is if it was possible we would all know about it because it would end starvation, okay well at least help some people get to sleep.
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Superhero Butterfly
Doc received a butterfly garden as a gift in which you receive caterpillars and watch them grow into butterflies. Of course myself being a child at heart thought this would be an awesome experience to watch metamorphosis of a butterfly. They don't care to tell you that one caterpillar would explode while trying to create a cocoon, one would die while in its cocoon, and the butterfly's stink and make allot of meconium which looks like blood which is extremely fascinating to a 4 year old boy. Yes, butterflies are beautiful and one of Gods amazing creations and I totally loved the time spent raising them. So the day came to release the butterflies, I thought taking them to a hummingbird garden would be nice, its at the park, there are flowers, and its overall just lovely. We had Doc set them free, all but one which had yet to emerge from the cocoon which instead went for a swim. Doc decided to throw the mesh butterfly home into the water to see if it would float! Awesome ideas of a 4 year old! Luckily the cocoon was safe and we brought it home to wait several days for it to emerge and be ready to set free. Our cat black insure its safety by carefully guarding it 24/7 and tried his hardest to befriend the butterfly while it stayed set up high from reach all alone. We had a few rainy days so I waited for a nice sunny day to let it free. Doc scooped the butterfly into his hand, walked it outside of the porch area, and watched it fly away. This butterfly took off straight into the air and went straight till we couldn't see it anymore. Doc said it was Super Butterfly while Im thinking to myself how high can a butterfly actually go up before it dies. Out of all the places for this butterfly to go he goes straight up! I guess I dont really care, good bye Super Butterfly and Im happy that adventure is over with.
4 year old and butterfly,
butterfly garden,
raising butterflies,
releasing butterfly,
super butterfly
Monday, November 7, 2011
Time Management
Things I need to be doing
1. Wake up earlier
2. Rigorous Exercise
3. Lots of yard work
4. Scrub my shower
5. Write in Wyatts baby book
6. Read my bible for longer periods at a time
7. Send letters
8. Visit friends more
9. Write a book
10. Finish college
11. Smile more
11. Smile more
Im thinking voluntarily going to prison would help me accomplish all of these
Saturday, October 15, 2011
Series of Interviews
David has been to hundreds of interviews it seems this year. In the past week I have been to 3 for the same company, phone interview for a spa, and canceled on another interview. Im done looking for a job and I still have to wait to see if I might get a job as a customer service rep at Safelite. David has taken a position at a Financial Group as a Financial adviser, but still doing some soul searching to figure out if this is what he really wants to stick his nose into. Its been about 3 months since David left his job with Bob Sanders and its really starting to get dragged out with waiting on our next turn in life. Good news is David and I dont let it get to us and if times are stressful we both find ways of enjoying each others company even if its just watching tv and making jokes. He's a great husband
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